Sunday, May 4, 2014

                                    Foot Work is Literally your whole foundation in Boxing

 Its important for beginner  boxers to understand the importance of foot work. We should focus on some key points at this stage and build from there. Rule 1 , you should always be in motion , feet should never be flat and planted while engaged in mutual combat. We will either move forward with the jab, or reverse and travel back with a jab and right hand. Our hands and feet should be married together ,moving in unison never one with out the other.  Hooking around the opponent is another way to stay moving as well as defensive lateral movement and A.K.A. "head movement" should be a constant. Rule 2 , The whole reason we stress this is if your feet are planted you are ripe for a knock out! And not the knock out you want. "Know the Reason ".  Rule 3 A moving target is obviously harder to hit and it only gets harder when an opponents has both speed and superior foot work, your in trouble. So once the beginner boxer has the gotten a solid foundation of stepping and punching, the next step would be developing head movement and ring awareness.  We will cover that next time! Until then work your combos mentally as well as physically, marry your hands and feet, and don't forget to drop and roll with it. Look like somebody, because you are somebody.

                                                                                    Coach B